international poster exhibition dedicated to the theme child rights by giresun university görele faculty of fine arts
andreas stettler
andreas stettler
my poster play the life has been selected for the exhibition at the can akengin art gallery in giresun, turkey / november 20 – 27, 2024
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a child is the purest concept of a society. a child is play. the child is education. a child is family. a child is someone who demands trust… a child should not be more than this and should not be forced to be. a child should not be a laborer. a child should not be a bride. a child should not be a mother. a child should exist safely in a safe family. a child belongs in school. a child should play, laugh, be happy and live in the purest, most natural state of the world.
on november 20, 1989, the united nations general assembly signed the convention on the rights of the child to ensure that children have equal rights and opportunities not just in one country, but in all countries. since then, november 20 has been declared international children’s rights day every year to protect the rights of children.
on november 20, 1989, the united nations general assembly signed the convention on the rights of the child to ensure that children have equal rights and opportunities not just in one country, but in all countries. since then, november 20 has been declared international children’s rights day every year to protect the rights of children.