posters dedicated to the 300th anniversary of immanuel kant / golden bee 16 global biennale of graphic design 2024 in moscow
andreas stettler
andreas stettler
2 of my posters i did for kant 300 were selected by the pre-selection committee as a finalist in these nomination and for participation in the exhibition at the zverev center for contemporary art in moscow / october 23 to 30, 2024
further exhibitions
immanuel kant (1724–1804) was a german philosopher of the enlightenment and professor of logic and metaphysics in königsberg. with his critical approach sapere aude – have the courage to use your own understanding, kant is probably the most important thinker of western culture. he is generally regarded as the greatest philosopher of modern times, the central figure of modern philosophy.
further exhibitions
immanuel kant (1724–1804) was a german philosopher of the enlightenment and professor of logic and metaphysics in königsberg. with his critical approach sapere aude – have the courage to use your own understanding, kant is probably the most important thinker of western culture. he is generally regarded as the greatest philosopher of modern times, the central figure of modern philosophy.